Breaking the Ice – The Selfie Style at Sharda University

With the beginning of college days, meeting new people and developing bonding is difficult and scary at times. Learning basic information about one another, creating peer rapport, or senior-junior interaction is arduously critical from outset of any experience, activities like Selfie Contest helps to break this ice and melt it down to the purest form of friendship.

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Selfie contest, a contest organized for freshmen to give them a feeling of belongingness and marvelous vibe of global culture that Sharda University proud of. The response of the contest was overwhelming and beyond expectations; prize distribution ceremony was honored by Mr. Prashant Gupta, Executive Director of the group.

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Winners also shared their expectations and experiences at university with digital marketing team who have envisioned the entire concept. Upon asking why you chose Sharda University, student replied – “Sharda University has better teaching fundamentals and cares for the growth of students as comparison to other universities”.

No doubt, their expectations are met! Yes! “We are extremely happy here. We don’t miss our home. Life is so energetic and full of fun that we think it was the righteous decision for choosing Sharda.”They also added atmosphere and crowd are amazing here. The university has humungous infrastructure with lush green environment all around.

“Sharda has steep learning curve and we are proud to be Shardans. We have become more knowledgeable and mature”, according to Samiallah Salimee , BCA, first year student. One key thing about Sharda University is that it comprises of global students from more than 46 countries; helps us to learn about various cultures with developing network in abroad.

On asking where they see themselves in one year from now. Students with no second thoughts responded positively by saying that they will gain better understanding of subject and become more profound in personality. The teachings and co-curricular activities will not only elevate their status but also help them to become a global citizen.

Students are now enthusiastically waiting for upcoming contests to have more exposure and fun that will definitely strengthen the bond formed by Selfie contest.

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