Sharda University Celebrating Republic Day


The country is all set to celebrate its 67th Republic Day on Tuesday with preparations for the ceremonial parade in ‘Rajpath’ is almost over. One of the biggest highlights this year is that the President of France Francois Hollande will be attending the event as a chief guest amidst unprecedented security in the wake of the attack on Pathankot air force base. On this day

Sharda University Students’ Union organized a programme “‪Ek Shaam Shaheedon Ke Naam‬” On the eve of 67th ‪Republic Day‬, our Students, professors and lecturers paid tribute to the freedom fighters and the national heroes by lightening the candle. The programme was started with National Anthem and patriotic song. This programme was dedicated to the Brave Soldiers of ‪Indian Army‬ and a tribute to the martyr of ‪Freedom Fighter‬. The gathering was around 120-150 students.

Sharda University believes that Success is the Combination of EQ and IQ

“Winning attitude is example of High EQ”

Sharda University highlights the fact that our culture upholds intelligence as the primary measure of person’s worth. EQ (Emotional Quotient) is defined as individual’s ability to identify, evaluate, control and express emotions. The university believes that people with High EQ usually make great leaders and team players because of their ability to understand, empathize, and connect with people and themselves.

EQ definition

It is ability to control emotions of oneself, others or a group. Sharda university states the importance of EQ as the people with high EQ evaluate, control and express emotions, use emotions to facilitate thinking, understand emotional meanings. In the work place they show good team work, leadership, successful relations and initiative. They can be identified as individual with social challenges.

IQ definition

IQ (Intelligent quotient) is score derived from one several standardized tests designed to access mental intelligence. Sharda University encourages the need for development of high IQ as the people with high IQ are capable of logical reasoning; they understand and apply information to skills, word comprehension, math skills. They achieve success with challenging tasks, ability to analyze and connect the research and development. People with great mental intelligence are gifted with mental challenges and special needs.

Thus, Sharda University firmly upholds that intelligence is a combination of EQ and IQ. Intelligence has different parameters, such as challenges, initiative, and (sense to work in a team) ability to comprehend others people attitude, getting good score in math, decision skills by readingcomprehension, logical reasoning.

Why being brainy is not just enough? This is the question to be asked that why people with High IQ don’t succeed. It is not just technical and analytical abilities (IQ) that makes one successful

Major components of EQ are

  • Self awareness- is understanding of own moods
  • Self management – think before act with new people
  • Social awareness- develop rapport with new people
  • Relationship management- understands other people emotions.

EQ is self confidence, Interpersonal skills, social competence. Challenge in today’s world is to raise your EQ.

  1. By knowing ones own emotions, distinguishing between feelings and actions
  2. By motivating one self practice some emotional self control and delay gratification
  3. By recognizing emotions in others, be sensitive to other feelings and listen well
  4. By managing emotions by finding a balance between over sensitivity or over emotional suppression

Sharda University stresses on the combination of EQ and IQ , to be successful in life. And here is the great news; EQ (unlike IQ) can be developed!!

Sharda University firmly believes that parental involvement enriches college experience

Parent’s involvement has increased drastically. There has been a real shift in extent to which parent are involved and invested in lives of their children. Parents get involved in schools science projects or take part in their social life. The new genes of parents called snow plow parents tries to smooth a path for their child even after they have started college.

Sharda University believes in the fact that children and parent are co dependent. As the child grows parent’s delegates the responsibility to child and child gets more mature. Settling as sophomore in the college is a transition for both parents and child.

The University also lays stress on the fact that parents should avoid over controlling.  It has adverse effect also and it can undermine the competence and confidence of college going kids and can negatively affect the parent and child relationship. College education transforms students from adolescent to adult. Current Scenario is that kids and parents remain in constant contact because of technology. Sharda university believes that parents can be good friends when it comes to decision making. They can be mentors to their young kids. They can help in various ways.

In choosing college

Parents can help what to look for on your college visits and search of college. A child can ask about his parents experience as a college student. Or what they think they should have done while taking admission. A child can ask, what was their deciding factor? What did they enjoy most about college? What they think that you should look in college and what should they avoid.

In developing social life

Sharda University brings forth the role of parents in helping students to develop good social life. They can guide how to throw a party. They can tell how to get good rapport with peers and how to plan excursion trip with their trends and batch mates. They can encourage in sports activity by attending the games and also keeping friendly terms with the peers of their kid.

Keeping an eye

Sharda University encourages parents to get in close touch with their children as they can keep check on promiscuity drug use and mental problems. Its parent’s job to see that the child does not go into anxiety as parent should promote bravery and confidence for long term goal.

Parents can help in learning problems, anxiety, fears. Parents are the best resource when their child is under stress. Parents should be in constant touch with deans, HOD s of the college to keep track of the performance of the child.

So parent’s involvement is very crucial in those growing years. They should respect their child’s freedom but at same time should be in constant touch with the child’s activities Key is to keep the balance.

School of Basic Sciences & Research orientation Programme 2015 at Sharda University

Chief Guest- Prof. A. K. Bakhshi- Professor in Chemistry, ‪#‎DU‬ and Former Vice-Chancellor- U.P. Rajarshi Tandon Open University, Allahabad narrated the School of Basic ‪#‎Sciences‬ & ‪#‎Research‬‘s ‪#‎students‬ about his ‪#‎aspirations‬ and ‪#‎success‬ in orientation programme 2015.

Sharda University Library

“A university is just a group of buildings gathered around a library” ― Shelby Foote

The library is not just a repository, or a service like any other, or a place for study- it is all these things. It can also be a partner in research and in teaching, and institutions which fail to capitalise fully on this asset will find it harder to compete in the future. Let’s have a look and share with your friends.
‪#‎ShardaUniversity‬, ‪#‎library‬, ‪#‎research‬, ‪#‎Institute‬, ‪#‎Study‬