Some Basic Tips To be successful in life: Sharda University

“Success comes to those who believe in it.”

Success-Puzzle sharda university

This saying have been heard by everyone but the query is that is it adequate to simply trust that you will be successful or you have to fuse more to it? Truth is that to become successful is a procedure ;it includes a couple ventures with a specific end goal to achieve the objective.Success takes as much time as necessary to come to you and just when you have done what’s needed to accomplish it.Counselors at Sharda University recommend that students can be successful by taking after the beneath said tips
1. Confidence- The key to achieving even minutest of the goals in life is to be confident. The relation is very simple. A high confidence level pushes a person to perform better and to the best of the capabilities. Also, a confident person displays a greater talent of handling tricky or gruesome situations.
2. Be original- in this ever so competitive environment, melding in the crowd is not something you would like to do lest you do not want to be successful. You would have to stand out from the rest in order to be noticed and rewarded for your skills.
3. Resist the temptation – It is very important to have a long term vision. Decisions driven by short term gains come with an early expiry. Soon, their impact would fade away and your mind would wander for something else. Counselors at Sharda University recommend that it is important to resist temptation in order to make long term gains.
4. Rome wasn’t built in a day- This is where most of the people go wrong. We are so driven by our ambitions that we want to be successful overnight. But remember, success is a process. It takes time and involves a great deal of perseverance and passion. So be patient and keep working towards your goal. Every step in this making would go a long way.
These 4 points are the very basics to be successful in life. Of course there is no alternate to hard work and skills, but more than that, it is a person’s attitude that would count in the long run.

Sharda University discusses the progressions that college life carries with itself

A Professor at Sharda University comments that understudies, now and again, enter college with unreasonable desires. This, later on, turns out a major downer for them.

The exams are at last over and you are going to enter a college. We wager you are energized as hell about the prospects your college life will get. Presumably the primary thing prowling in your brain would be the freedom you would love, and that is genuine additionally, though to a degree. We prefer not to break it to you however college life is significantly more than just freedom. A Professor at Sharda University comments that understudies, now and again, enter college with unreasonable desires. This, later on, turns out a major downer for them.

College life does have its fair share of freedom but such luxury comes with a responsibility. When in college, you not only represent yourself but also your family, so refrain resorting to something which would inflict a bad name upon your family or you. It is wise to make your choices after careful analysis of the situation rather than giving into peer pressure.

Also, college is the time when you lay the foundation of a career. So it is very important to discover yourself. Delve deeper into the recess of your mind and decide a career line for yourself. Also, along with that, keep your choices a little flexible. It is not wise to get stuck on one thing because you never know what life might bring you to. So it is necessary to be strong enough to accept changes if needed.

Remember, the friends you will make in college life would perhaps stay in your life forever and would have a deep impact on you and your career. So choose your friends wisely. More than anything, college life brings to you a multitude of experiences. Enjoy it to the most but at the same time use it wisely.

Sharda University Celebrating Republic Day


The country is all set to celebrate its 67th Republic Day on Tuesday with preparations for the ceremonial parade in ‘Rajpath’ is almost over. One of the biggest highlights this year is that the President of France Francois Hollande will be attending the event as a chief guest amidst unprecedented security in the wake of the attack on Pathankot air force base. On this day

Sharda University Students’ Union organized a programme “‪Ek Shaam Shaheedon Ke Naam‬” On the eve of 67th ‪Republic Day‬, our Students, professors and lecturers paid tribute to the freedom fighters and the national heroes by lightening the candle. The programme was started with National Anthem and patriotic song. This programme was dedicated to the Brave Soldiers of ‪Indian Army‬ and a tribute to the martyr of ‪Freedom Fighter‬. The gathering was around 120-150 students.

Sharda University Says,Education Can Help Solve Intolerance Issue

The developing open debate of “intolerance” has conveyed to the fore front a couple issues that have been springing up in the general public since decades and have now raised to a dazzling level. These must be tended to. The whole cry fuelling the thought of narrow mindedness can be exceptionally all around summed up on the premise of absence of a couple very essential factors. Sharda University says that the most ideal approach to take care of this issue is through conferring education among individuals. Education will help diminishing such issues in the society.


For the longest time, Indians have lived in harmony with people of various cultures and religions. But then, some strand of hostility and violence in some part of the country causes us all to think where we went wrong. And more than often, solution lies in education. Education allows people to widen their horizon of viewing things. It helps them become more receptive towards different ideas. This leads to a better and in depth understanding of various issues on a more intellectual and cultural level, says one of the professors at Sharda University.

In imparting education lies a pragmatic solution to the perceived problem of ‘in-tolerance’. Basically, one of the reasons for not being tolerant is the economical frustration, which can be sorted with education.

Various steps are being taken by government to strengthen education system and make it addressable to all but all these efforts need to be expedited.

Sharda University Talks About Importance Of Group Dynamics

Many a times in life, we are faced with situations that press for a tenacious understanding of ideas and a flexible perception of the concept. It may very well be reflected in the discussions that we have among a group of people. The discussion could be about anything- as intellectual as the prevalent political system or as abstruse as the concept of nihilism. But what leads such discussions, or any group discussion for that matter, towards a more constructive pathway is the basic understanding of group dynamics, says a faculty at Sharda University Noida.

As per official definition, “Group dynamics is a system of behaviours and psychological processes occurring within a social group (intragroup dynamics), or between social groups (intergroup dynamics).”

In simpler words, group dynamics are reflective upon the way a group works and should be working. It simply means how well a person can work in a group or in remain in sync with other people. The basis of group dynamics stems from understanding psychological behavior of other members in the group. This does not involve rocket science but a tinge of keen observation. The next virtue needed to understand more about and in a group is an open minded attitude towards a topic/situation.

By being in a group, a person is exposed to various sides of an individual and oneself. The idea is to prioritize the common benefit of the group rather than focusing on individual gains. This causes one to look at the common goal and work towards it. Group dynamics impact students’ lives in great way. Effective group dynamics lets them become a part of a group in general and exposes them to ideas and thoughts that were unknown to them before. This widens the horizon, makes them more complacent and wise by improving the knowledge domain.

A professor at Sharda University says that even when students work in an organization, group dynamics come in handy as it leads to a better working within a team. Through group dynamics, a person can understand the psyche of fellow colleague or the client and reach a better accord. Such traits always lead to a better end result as it allows a group to work like a machine- combining various virtues and putting them together to achieve a common objective.

Sharda University talks about the importance of being a good listener.

There is often a mix up between hearing and listening. Though semantically they may be replaceable, yet, on a deeper level, the difference is enormous. Sharda University says that while hearing is just a physical act involving the ears receiving sound waves, listening pertain to interpreting those received sounds.

Listening is an extrapolation of the idea of hearing. Listening incorporates functioning of mind as well as ears. Whatever reaches our eardrums is taken by the nerves to the brain for interpretation. Then based on that interpretation do we produce an appropriate response.

Listening is a skill that needs to be mastered. Listening has far deeper benefits. Sharda University says that listening allows a person to wider the horizon. When you listen to what other the person is saying, you automatically register those words in your memory and contemplate over them, straightaway improving your knowledge domain.

One of the best ways to learn is by being an efficient listener. It is a skill that needs to be mastered. Being a good listener also makes you patient.

The analogy between knowledge and information is also similar to listening and hearing. Just like hearing, information is restricted to a physical act of gathering data. But knowledge is extracted from information when the consolidated data is keenly analyzed and observed.

Simple Ways To Nurture Your Important Relationship

People require more than simply fundamental components for survival. A man needs different people, to make a bond of warmth, adoration, care, desires, expression and each of those segments, which are key for the self-improvement of a person.


The Dean of Sharda University highlights that even if you accomplish success, it would mean nothing if you don’t have people to cherish that moment with. You need to keep up with those relationships which mean a lot to you because the happiness that you get from those people, cannot match the level of your success.

You develop your first relationship with your parents, who are your first teacher, confidante, fan, motivator, guide and everything which is important in any person’s life. It is only time they want from their children, nothing else. While recalling his students’ conversation, which he overheard at Sharda Noida, Dean of Sharda University mentions that hostlers at the University are like those people who stay away from home and know how important it is to give time to the family. They don’t take this selfless relationship for granted and their home visits extend sometimes due to the same, but the man doesn’t mind it because he knows its importance.

Then comes friendship. The Dean of Sharda University agrees that this relationship of friendship doesn’t have any definition. It is that relationship which can go beyond sex, age, religion, country and all the limits. A person finds his true happiness in a friend, whom he can rely upon, guide without hesitation, share every secret with and tell how he feels on his friend’s acts. This relationship can work without expectations, but not without trust and honesty. Just like any other relationship in your life, friends are equally important, who are always there for you and the one you can always count on.

Sharda University Analyses Impact of Globalisation on Education

Each corner of the world is a part of globalisation. Not even a single field is left untouched with its effect. Be it any corporate industry or health industry, each of them is adapting and evolving as per the international standards in order to maintain the level of quality. Similarly, globalisation in the field of education is a never ending research process when it comes to global and comparative education.

Sharda University is witnessing this Globalisation in the education sector on a daily basis. Not because its 27% students are global citizens, but its tie-up with other worldwide universities, current international teaching staff and global curriculum-teaching methods are appropriate example of globalisation affecting education sector.

It’s common to hear today that education has been commodified, but Sharda University is breaking such myths, by providing quality education to its students. Establishment of Kartavya club is a perfect example of it. Kartavya is an NGO of Sharda University that caters the educational needs of underprivileged children in and around the Sharda Noida Campus without any cost. So it is acceptable that education is also evolving with globalisation, but associating it with commodification will be injustice with norms being followed by Sharda University.

Sharda believes in Internationalisation of Education, which is a process of assimilating intercultural dimensions in teaching methods, research work and activities of the education institution. Sharda University is a roof for various cultures where individuality is given equal importance. It not only indicates about accepting the foreign policies and students with warm hearts but also raise the level of FDI from those countries, which ultimately help in enhancing the economy of the Nation.

Globalisation in education also ensures the knowledge’s accesibility       which widens the students’ knowledge base. At Sharda University, Afghanistan, Canada, Nepal, Nigeria and other countries’ graduated students learn Indian cultures and acknowledge others with their cultures.

Mantras That Will Keep You Mentally Strong

Being physically solid is’ somewhat easy, but what bring the success in the end, is how effective and efficient is your mind which makes you rationally solid. A solid personality definitely brings achievement in light of the fact that ,that will help you to get over your disappointment. Doubtlessly, a rationally solid individual is not conceived as it seems to be, he is made with time.

sharda noida

Sharda University experts have categorized the mantras, which will keep you mentally strong so that you can cope with problems in unwanted scenarios and attain success in time to come. These mantras are:

Early to bed, early to rise: it’s not just any good habit quote, but an effective rule to follow in life. Early risers start their day with a fresh mind, a new thought, to start the same old thing with new enthusiasm and newly found passion of the day. You can plan any personal workout, read some newspaper, do meditation and plan your whole day. Hostlers of Sharda University are used to this schedule.

Inspire others: getting inspired is undoubtedly great, but inspiring others is just incredible. You don’t have to become a hero for the world to see; a small gesture will do the work. Just like Sharda University’s NGO, Kartavya, where all the participants of the club offer free education to underprivileged children in and around Sharda Noida Campus. It’s an inspiration for others.

Never give up: you fail, you do it again; you fail again, you do it once again and if you fail next, do not hesitate to give it one more try. And keep trying until you reach the point of no failure. Develop the attitude of never giving up. Once you give up, you lose the battle right there. Giving yourself one more chance will make you mentally strong and help to tackle with any problem. Remember, never back down.

Self-believe: to develop the attitude of never giving up you need to believe in yourself. Unless and until you are self-determined to achieve a certain goal, you cannot work towards the same. Keep reminding yourself every day that you can do it. You can do that while keeping your ideal in your mind. If he can do it, I can also do it.

Sharda University is working towards not only catering the educational needs of the society but also towards bringing a change in the society. And each aspirant of Sharda University is inculcating these mantras because they want to excel in life with a strong mentality.


How To Be Innovative?

There is a motivating renowned fact that You can mimic the result but not the Creativity. Keeping the same thought in mind, Sharda University does things differently instead of doing different things.


The alumni of Sharda Noida are well placed on noteworthy designations across the globe and keep spreading mindfulness amongst understudies of the University, by motivating them towards achieving difference instead of excellence, just like them.

Attitude: if you have an attitude to do something out of the box with a regular thing, you have that element of outshining amongst all. If you don’t, then develop it with time. Develop that passion to not follow the sheep herd, rather choose the path less travelled.

Flexibility and adaptability: if you are flexible enough to adapt in any situation and can deal with anything even in a critical scenario, you are blessed with the instinct of being innovative.

Take the risk: in order to develop the attitude of creating a difference, you need to take the risk sometimes. Not sometimes, but at every step. The different is new, and new is risky, so develop that risk taking ability if you want to be different.

Optimism: the positive attitude and positive perspective towards the things keep the hopes of success alive in a person. Unless and until you believe in yourself and your actions all along, you cannot take a risk to bring the difference.

Sharda University is a unit of Sharda Group where the difference is highly valued and change is brought as per the need of the hour.

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