Included Vedic Mathematics to the primary curriculum, said Home Minister Rajnath Singh at Sharda University

Home Minister of India Mr. Rajnath Singh was at Sharda University Noida as the chief guest of a three daylong National seminar organized by The Indian Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics at the university campus. Home Minister of India Mr. Rajnath Singh was at Sharda University Noida as the chief guest of a three daylong National seminar organized by The Indian Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics at the university campus. Honorable Minister lauded the initiatives taken by the ISIAM and Sharda University for promoting applied mathematics among students. He talked about the importance of mathematics in the field of industrialization and how applied mathematics has been crucial in developing business oriented and industrial solutions.

He elaborated that Indians have always been key contributors of the mathematics as we know it today. Ancient scientists and astronomers like Bhaskaracharya, Ramanujam and Aryabhatta have made integral additions to the field of mathematics. Decimal and Zero, which have become the foundation of mathematics have been findings of Indians.

Mr. Rajnath then talked about how, during his tenure as the education minister, he had made Vedic mathematics a part of the curriculum of primary classes and that it had positive manifestations among students.

Professor B Bhattacharya said that the main idea behind this 3-daylong seminar was to bring mathematicians and scientists from world together on a platform in order to find new ways and innovations to make mathematics simpler and more relevant and effective.

Spokesperson for Sharda University said, “The Indian Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics is one of those few organizations that aim at promoting mathematics with a close relevance to its practical usage. It has already made branches like Mathematical Modeling and Numerical and Variational Techniques quite popular among students. Sharda University has also been encouraging applied mathematics among its students through its modern educational curriculum. ”

Some Basic Tips To be successful in life: Sharda University

“Success comes to those who believe in it.”

Success-Puzzle sharda university

This saying have been heard by everyone but the query is that is it adequate to simply trust that you will be successful or you have to fuse more to it? Truth is that to become successful is a procedure ;it includes a couple ventures with a specific end goal to achieve the objective.Success takes as much time as necessary to come to you and just when you have done what’s needed to accomplish it.Counselors at Sharda University recommend that students can be successful by taking after the beneath said tips
1. Confidence- The key to achieving even minutest of the goals in life is to be confident. The relation is very simple. A high confidence level pushes a person to perform better and to the best of the capabilities. Also, a confident person displays a greater talent of handling tricky or gruesome situations.
2. Be original- in this ever so competitive environment, melding in the crowd is not something you would like to do lest you do not want to be successful. You would have to stand out from the rest in order to be noticed and rewarded for your skills.
3. Resist the temptation – It is very important to have a long term vision. Decisions driven by short term gains come with an early expiry. Soon, their impact would fade away and your mind would wander for something else. Counselors at Sharda University recommend that it is important to resist temptation in order to make long term gains.
4. Rome wasn’t built in a day- This is where most of the people go wrong. We are so driven by our ambitions that we want to be successful overnight. But remember, success is a process. It takes time and involves a great deal of perseverance and passion. So be patient and keep working towards your goal. Every step in this making would go a long way.
These 4 points are the very basics to be successful in life. Of course there is no alternate to hard work and skills, but more than that, it is a person’s attitude that would count in the long run.

Sharda University discusses the progressions that college life carries with itself

A Professor at Sharda University comments that understudies, now and again, enter college with unreasonable desires. This, later on, turns out a major downer for them.

The exams are at last over and you are going to enter a college. We wager you are energized as hell about the prospects your college life will get. Presumably the primary thing prowling in your brain would be the freedom you would love, and that is genuine additionally, though to a degree. We prefer not to break it to you however college life is significantly more than just freedom. A Professor at Sharda University comments that understudies, now and again, enter college with unreasonable desires. This, later on, turns out a major downer for them.

College life does have its fair share of freedom but such luxury comes with a responsibility. When in college, you not only represent yourself but also your family, so refrain resorting to something which would inflict a bad name upon your family or you. It is wise to make your choices after careful analysis of the situation rather than giving into peer pressure.

Also, college is the time when you lay the foundation of a career. So it is very important to discover yourself. Delve deeper into the recess of your mind and decide a career line for yourself. Also, along with that, keep your choices a little flexible. It is not wise to get stuck on one thing because you never know what life might bring you to. So it is necessary to be strong enough to accept changes if needed.

Remember, the friends you will make in college life would perhaps stay in your life forever and would have a deep impact on you and your career. So choose your friends wisely. More than anything, college life brings to you a multitude of experiences. Enjoy it to the most but at the same time use it wisely.

Mantras That Will Keep You Mentally Strong

Being physically solid is’ somewhat easy, but what bring the success in the end, is how effective and efficient is your mind which makes you rationally solid. A solid personality definitely brings achievement in light of the fact that ,that will help you to get over your disappointment. Doubtlessly, a rationally solid individual is not conceived as it seems to be, he is made with time.

sharda noida

Sharda University experts have categorized the mantras, which will keep you mentally strong so that you can cope with problems in unwanted scenarios and attain success in time to come. These mantras are:

Early to bed, early to rise: it’s not just any good habit quote, but an effective rule to follow in life. Early risers start their day with a fresh mind, a new thought, to start the same old thing with new enthusiasm and newly found passion of the day. You can plan any personal workout, read some newspaper, do meditation and plan your whole day. Hostlers of Sharda University are used to this schedule.

Inspire others: getting inspired is undoubtedly great, but inspiring others is just incredible. You don’t have to become a hero for the world to see; a small gesture will do the work. Just like Sharda University’s NGO, Kartavya, where all the participants of the club offer free education to underprivileged children in and around Sharda Noida Campus. It’s an inspiration for others.

Never give up: you fail, you do it again; you fail again, you do it once again and if you fail next, do not hesitate to give it one more try. And keep trying until you reach the point of no failure. Develop the attitude of never giving up. Once you give up, you lose the battle right there. Giving yourself one more chance will make you mentally strong and help to tackle with any problem. Remember, never back down.

Self-believe: to develop the attitude of never giving up you need to believe in yourself. Unless and until you are self-determined to achieve a certain goal, you cannot work towards the same. Keep reminding yourself every day that you can do it. You can do that while keeping your ideal in your mind. If he can do it, I can also do it.

Sharda University is working towards not only catering the educational needs of the society but also towards bringing a change in the society. And each aspirant of Sharda University is inculcating these mantras because they want to excel in life with a strong mentality.


Sharda Students are Global Citizens

With make in India concept, everyday emerging state-of-the-art edifices, more employment opportunities, increased personal income, India is not lagging behind in any field. After Foreign Direct investments and MNCs’ establishment, developed Nations are showing interest in other areas of India.

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India is attracting foreigners from all over the world and that is not because of its culture and heritage, rather the education sector is witnessing the arrival of global students in Indian Universities and Sharda University being one of them.

Sharda University was established in 2008 by Sharda Group, with the motto of expanding the horizon of education beyond boundaries. That is why the university is bringing together diverse cultures while promoting the individuality. Here everybody is getting experience of a new home.

Students get acquainted with Global Academicians and industry stalwarts at Sharda University. Afghanistan, Canada, Nigeria, Nepal, Thailand and lots more students from these countries are coming to Sharda University for a unique educational experience. With campuses based in Agra, Mathura and Greater Noida, students of other countries are not the only global Citizens, but the Sharda University is also preparing Indian students to become a future global citizen.

Sharda University has tied up with more than 60 international Universities. The international faculty of more than 750 brilliant ones is always ready to share its knowledge base and up to 30,000 recruiters have visited the main campus of Sharda University, Noida, to avail one in a million opportunities to the Sharda students. 12,000+ teachers and professors have been assigned different tasks to handle more than 20,000 students.

The university has numerous graduation, post graduation and doctoral courses to offer in its 12 different schools where engineering, medicine, dental, media, management, art, law, health science, language, education, nursing and research courses have been strategically designed while keeping the need of this hour in mind.

General Management : An Acceleration Programme for Winners

School of Business Studies (SBS), Sharda University provides management education with innovative applied research and best management practices to shape the young men and women to occupy the position of leadership in Industry, Institution and Academia. SBS nurtures the talent and develop mind set to transcend boundaries, in a setting of multicultural and multi disciplinary platform of learning. A galaxy of experts from industry, academia and international institution interact with students deploying practice oriented, and case based pedagogy with experiential learning to prepare students meeting the requirement of industry.


1. What is the importance in General Management?

According to leading business schools, General Management Program (GMP) is a general management qualification, with roles involving strategy formation, implementation and execution, in industry, business and institutions. The focus is on leadership skills, team skills, time management, communication and knowledge of various industrial functions. Companies like TAS, Mahindra, Reliance, Cairn, BHEL, etc. recruit general management graduate and prepare them for roles in different industries, industrial functions and leadership positions for mobility between companies and roles.

GMP accelerates the personal and professional transformation by providing a multi functional view of business, leadership and the organization. The student emerges with holistic mindset and strategic vision to build a competitive advantage for the company and their personal career. GMP enables to build a business-wide perspective and contribute to the company’s growth at a more strategic level. The value of general management lies in giving students a general management approach and an overview of the whole corporate institution.

All leading B-Schools have GMP as their lead program to develop managers with a holistic view for holding positions of responsibility in industry, business and institutions.

2. What pattern in the syllabus does the university follow?

School of Business Studies, Sharda University has crafted the syllabus for the MBA-General Management program (2 years) in consultation with industry leaders, practitioners, leading academicians and consulting organizations. It is a judicious blend of theory and best industry practices. The program is developed in such a way that it facilitates the student’s personality enhancement and practical experience through a continuous process of industry-academia interface by providing a multi-functional view of business, leadership and the organization.

3. What is the future scope of General Management?

The general management programmes (GMP) are continuing for last several years at the leading B-Schools in India and abroad. GMP are the first choice of the students, but is very difficult to secure admission. It has been observed that admission in GMP is offered to students having very high CAT/GMAT score, (99.99 percentile and above) in ivory league institutions.

The GMP demands exceptional intellect and high emotional quotient from the student. Students having high inquisitive mind and capacity to think clearly, opt for this program. They have a high degree of adaptability, maturity to work in teams and interact closely with other students under considerable pressure.

Students having GMP qualification are the first preference for recruitment by leading consulting firms, MNCs, Banks and E-commerce companies.

4. How does the syllabus sync with the industry demands?

Industry demands GMP students who could replace the existing incumbents without much training to shorten the time for billable resources. The syllabus of the GMP at Sharda University syncs well with the industry requirement as it is designed with the inputs from the industry and is delivered by experienced academicians and industry professionals. The university uses technology, role-plays, case discussions, industry projects and mentorship programs to enable students to equip with industry oriented skills and experience of real life problem solving techniques.

5. Throw some light on analytic of General Management?

In past few years, due to modernization of technologies – the Internet, ubiquitous networking, digitized data collection technologies, wireless sensors, miniaturized devices – organizations collect, store and transport massive amounts of data about customers, inventories, business operations, product performance, prices, sales, advertising campaigns, employees, supply chain, and so on. To interpret the data, managers are required to have analytical skills and knowledge of tools and technologies.

GMP is designed around a critical balance between general analytical thinking, technology, and applications. The design of the program is guided by leading industry executives who are substantially invested in business applications of analytical methods and technologies. Analytical tools like Cognos and Watson from IBM, BI tools from SAP are in utilized extensively for developing analytics, data mining etc.

6. How Sharda University helps in completing the MBA in General Management?

Today managers handle issues which have far reaching consequences, because there are no boundaries of national, regional and local businesses. SBS follows the strategy to sharpen the skills of graduates with keeping in mind the business–marketing, strategy, leadership, entrepreneurship, operation, human resources and so on. SBS gives education and sharpens the mind of young professional in the general area of management encompassing form personal development, analytics and strategists.

Student’s placement is growing year after year, the students are securing multiple job offers.

Sharda University welcoming freshers by Selfie Contest

SelfiecontestSelfies are the fresh way of expression. And Sharda University has used this fresh way to welcome the fresh batch of 2015. The university has organized Freshers’ Selfie Contest for its upcoming batch in which all the students are participating enthusiastically. The university’s inbox is bombarded with selfies as freshers are trying hard to grab the prizes university has declared for winners.

The contest began from 11th September and is going to end on 30th September. The freshers were asked to post their selfies with the tag #SUFreshers2015. The university believes that Selfies are gateway to one’s inner self. Everyone loves to take Selfies in a way to see how they look when they see themselves in the mirror. This kind of contemporaneous ideology has taken Sharda University ‘beyond boundaries’.

Mr. PK Gupta, chancellor and founder chairman of Sharda Group of Institutions said, “The competition is based on Facebook and the number of likes and shares that a selfie fetches. This keeps the system transparent and students are more satisfied with the results as it mostly depends on them.”

The freshers have been asked to post “Wo party wali selfie, wo shopping wali selfie, wo group wali selfie” and the contest has been met with great enthusiasm. Jayesh Patel, a fresher of B. Tech. at Sharda University said, “All of us are really excited for the results. Each one has posted their best shots and I know none who has not. The fight is hard and has given our college lives a great and enthusiastic start.”

Other freshers joined in the enthusiasm and the results are awaited with eagerness. Sharda University has taken a great idea and has materialized it in the best possible way.

Sharda University believes that Success is the Combination of EQ and IQ

“Winning attitude is example of High EQ”

Sharda University highlights the fact that our culture upholds intelligence as the primary measure of person’s worth. EQ (Emotional Quotient) is defined as individual’s ability to identify, evaluate, control and express emotions. The university believes that people with High EQ usually make great leaders and team players because of their ability to understand, empathize, and connect with people and themselves.

EQ definition

It is ability to control emotions of oneself, others or a group. Sharda university states the importance of EQ as the people with high EQ evaluate, control and express emotions, use emotions to facilitate thinking, understand emotional meanings. In the work place they show good team work, leadership, successful relations and initiative. They can be identified as individual with social challenges.

IQ definition

IQ (Intelligent quotient) is score derived from one several standardized tests designed to access mental intelligence. Sharda University encourages the need for development of high IQ as the people with high IQ are capable of logical reasoning; they understand and apply information to skills, word comprehension, math skills. They achieve success with challenging tasks, ability to analyze and connect the research and development. People with great mental intelligence are gifted with mental challenges and special needs.

Thus, Sharda University firmly upholds that intelligence is a combination of EQ and IQ. Intelligence has different parameters, such as challenges, initiative, and (sense to work in a team) ability to comprehend others people attitude, getting good score in math, decision skills by readingcomprehension, logical reasoning.

Why being brainy is not just enough? This is the question to be asked that why people with High IQ don’t succeed. It is not just technical and analytical abilities (IQ) that makes one successful

Major components of EQ are

  • Self awareness- is understanding of own moods
  • Self management – think before act with new people
  • Social awareness- develop rapport with new people
  • Relationship management- understands other people emotions.

EQ is self confidence, Interpersonal skills, social competence. Challenge in today’s world is to raise your EQ.

  1. By knowing ones own emotions, distinguishing between feelings and actions
  2. By motivating one self practice some emotional self control and delay gratification
  3. By recognizing emotions in others, be sensitive to other feelings and listen well
  4. By managing emotions by finding a balance between over sensitivity or over emotional suppression

Sharda University stresses on the combination of EQ and IQ , to be successful in life. And here is the great news; EQ (unlike IQ) can be developed!!

Sharda University firmly believes that parental involvement enriches college experience

Parent’s involvement has increased drastically. There has been a real shift in extent to which parent are involved and invested in lives of their children. Parents get involved in schools science projects or take part in their social life. The new genes of parents called snow plow parents tries to smooth a path for their child even after they have started college.

Sharda University believes in the fact that children and parent are co dependent. As the child grows parent’s delegates the responsibility to child and child gets more mature. Settling as sophomore in the college is a transition for both parents and child.

The University also lays stress on the fact that parents should avoid over controlling.  It has adverse effect also and it can undermine the competence and confidence of college going kids and can negatively affect the parent and child relationship. College education transforms students from adolescent to adult. Current Scenario is that kids and parents remain in constant contact because of technology. Sharda university believes that parents can be good friends when it comes to decision making. They can be mentors to their young kids. They can help in various ways.

In choosing college

Parents can help what to look for on your college visits and search of college. A child can ask about his parents experience as a college student. Or what they think they should have done while taking admission. A child can ask, what was their deciding factor? What did they enjoy most about college? What they think that you should look in college and what should they avoid.

In developing social life

Sharda University brings forth the role of parents in helping students to develop good social life. They can guide how to throw a party. They can tell how to get good rapport with peers and how to plan excursion trip with their trends and batch mates. They can encourage in sports activity by attending the games and also keeping friendly terms with the peers of their kid.

Keeping an eye

Sharda University encourages parents to get in close touch with their children as they can keep check on promiscuity drug use and mental problems. Its parent’s job to see that the child does not go into anxiety as parent should promote bravery and confidence for long term goal.

Parents can help in learning problems, anxiety, fears. Parents are the best resource when their child is under stress. Parents should be in constant touch with deans, HOD s of the college to keep track of the performance of the child.

So parent’s involvement is very crucial in those growing years. They should respect their child’s freedom but at same time should be in constant touch with the child’s activities Key is to keep the balance.