Sharda University Organized a National Seminar

The Indian Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics conducted a 3-day long National Seminar at Sharda University, Noida. Present at this seminar was Hon’ble Home Minister of India, Mr. Rajnath Singh, as the Chief Guest.

Spokesperson for Sharda University said, “The Indian Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics is one of those few organizations that aim at promoting mathematics with a close relevance to its practical usage. It has already made branches like Mathematical Modeling and Numerical and Variational Techniques quite popular among students. Sharda University has also been encouraging applied mathematics among its students through its modern educational curriculum. ”

Sharda University Celebrating Republic Day


The country is all set to celebrate its 67th Republic Day on Tuesday with preparations for the ceremonial parade in ‘Rajpath’ is almost over. One of the biggest highlights this year is that the President of France Francois Hollande will be attending the event as a chief guest amidst unprecedented security in the wake of the attack on Pathankot air force base. On this day

Sharda University Students’ Union organized a programme “‪Ek Shaam Shaheedon Ke Naam‬” On the eve of 67th ‪Republic Day‬, our Students, professors and lecturers paid tribute to the freedom fighters and the national heroes by lightening the candle. The programme was started with National Anthem and patriotic song. This programme was dedicated to the Brave Soldiers of ‪Indian Army‬ and a tribute to the martyr of ‪Freedom Fighter‬. The gathering was around 120-150 students.

eBooks an environment friendly way of learning,says Sharda University

Each year, a huge number of trees are slashed off to make several books. In an era when the attention on environment has turned out to be more detectable than any other time in recent memory, eBooks have ended up being an exquisite and straightforward answer for the issue of felling of trees for creating papers. Researchers have noticed that eBooks have altogether low carbon foot shaped impression than the typical hard-back or paper books. Sharda University says that despite the fact that eBooks can not totally supplant the quintessence of paper books, yet they have awesome favorable circumstances, especially for students and avid readers.


Apart from being eco-friendly, eBooks optimize the convenience for readers. So the readers no more are obliged to carry those heavy books with them all the time. All they need to have is a smart phone or an eBook reader that will facilitate the purpose. Also, in such electronic devices, people can keeps hundreds of books at a time and read them at own will and convenience. So a device of just a few grams in weight ends up becoming people’s personalized library.

Many intellectuals have even argued that while reading on paper books, readers get the liberty of making notes or marking specific words or excerpts. But the advancement in technology has made even this possible with e-Books. There are many e-Book reading apps which allow people to make notes or highlight/mark specific segments of books. Moreover, you also get an electronic dictionary on the go. Sharda University regards to all these factors as major considerations of a reader that eBooks completely take care of.

Sharda University Says,Education Can Help Solve Intolerance Issue

The developing open debate of “intolerance” has conveyed to the fore front a couple issues that have been springing up in the general public since decades and have now raised to a dazzling level. These must be tended to. The whole cry fuelling the thought of narrow mindedness can be exceptionally all around summed up on the premise of absence of a couple very essential factors. Sharda University says that the most ideal approach to take care of this issue is through conferring education among individuals. Education will help diminishing such issues in the society.


For the longest time, Indians have lived in harmony with people of various cultures and religions. But then, some strand of hostility and violence in some part of the country causes us all to think where we went wrong. And more than often, solution lies in education. Education allows people to widen their horizon of viewing things. It helps them become more receptive towards different ideas. This leads to a better and in depth understanding of various issues on a more intellectual and cultural level, says one of the professors at Sharda University.

In imparting education lies a pragmatic solution to the perceived problem of ‘in-tolerance’. Basically, one of the reasons for not being tolerant is the economical frustration, which can be sorted with education.

Various steps are being taken by government to strengthen education system and make it addressable to all but all these efforts need to be expedited.

Sharda University Talks About Importance Of Group Dynamics

Many a times in life, we are faced with situations that press for a tenacious understanding of ideas and a flexible perception of the concept. It may very well be reflected in the discussions that we have among a group of people. The discussion could be about anything- as intellectual as the prevalent political system or as abstruse as the concept of nihilism. But what leads such discussions, or any group discussion for that matter, towards a more constructive pathway is the basic understanding of group dynamics, says a faculty at Sharda University Noida.

As per official definition, “Group dynamics is a system of behaviours and psychological processes occurring within a social group (intragroup dynamics), or between social groups (intergroup dynamics).”

In simpler words, group dynamics are reflective upon the way a group works and should be working. It simply means how well a person can work in a group or in remain in sync with other people. The basis of group dynamics stems from understanding psychological behavior of other members in the group. This does not involve rocket science but a tinge of keen observation. The next virtue needed to understand more about and in a group is an open minded attitude towards a topic/situation.

By being in a group, a person is exposed to various sides of an individual and oneself. The idea is to prioritize the common benefit of the group rather than focusing on individual gains. This causes one to look at the common goal and work towards it. Group dynamics impact students’ lives in great way. Effective group dynamics lets them become a part of a group in general and exposes them to ideas and thoughts that were unknown to them before. This widens the horizon, makes them more complacent and wise by improving the knowledge domain.

A professor at Sharda University says that even when students work in an organization, group dynamics come in handy as it leads to a better working within a team. Through group dynamics, a person can understand the psyche of fellow colleague or the client and reach a better accord. Such traits always lead to a better end result as it allows a group to work like a machine- combining various virtues and putting them together to achieve a common objective.

Sharda University Talks About 21st Century Virtues

It’s year 2016 now-16 years since the 21st century started and on the off chance that we take a gander at the headway and advancement that has happened in most recent 16 years, we would be shocked. Times have been changing so rapidly that nearly everything appears to be temporary. This century is maybe impeccably comparable to the aphorism ‘Change is the main consistent’. Everything has advanced or changed. The previous 16 years have achieved a heap of changes in each field, including training. Gone is the era of ‘gabble by rote’,supplanted with a more radical and target twisted. In the wake of such changes, even the training framework has developed. The current scenario has a few virtues to it that need to be imparted through education, says Sharda University.


There has been brewing a sect of intellectuals that searches for minds that can think unconventionally, challenge the existing, rotten norms and replace them with newer ideas. There is a pressing demand for innovators; for those individuals who look at a problem from a different and yet relevant angle.  At the same time, such minds need to have core knowledge and apply it to the real time situations. Bookish knowledge has become secondary to practical experience and learning. Educational curriculum needs a revamp in order to nurture different qualities among students. The curriculum and courses across India need to be designed in order to acquaint students with the virtues that are needed in the current eon, says a counselor at Sharda University.

Companies look for candidates who display creativity, flexibility and a desire to learn. The more open you are to various ideas, the better it is for you. By having a wider view point towards things, a person’s decision making ability greatly improves. Then there is a keen focus on technology. You are not required to create a new technology altogether but make optimum use of the existing one. Last but not the least, Leadership skills; companies want candidates who can display leadership skills and possess a sense of ownership. Various educational institutions, including Sharda University Noida, have been working towards inculcating such traits in students by adopting a more relevant and contemporary education curriculum.

Sharda University talks about the importance of being a good listener.

There is often a mix up between hearing and listening. Though semantically they may be replaceable, yet, on a deeper level, the difference is enormous. Sharda University says that while hearing is just a physical act involving the ears receiving sound waves, listening pertain to interpreting those received sounds.

Listening is an extrapolation of the idea of hearing. Listening incorporates functioning of mind as well as ears. Whatever reaches our eardrums is taken by the nerves to the brain for interpretation. Then based on that interpretation do we produce an appropriate response.

Listening is a skill that needs to be mastered. Listening has far deeper benefits. Sharda University says that listening allows a person to wider the horizon. When you listen to what other the person is saying, you automatically register those words in your memory and contemplate over them, straightaway improving your knowledge domain.

One of the best ways to learn is by being an efficient listener. It is a skill that needs to be mastered. Being a good listener also makes you patient.

The analogy between knowledge and information is also similar to listening and hearing. Just like hearing, information is restricted to a physical act of gathering data. But knowledge is extracted from information when the consolidated data is keenly analyzed and observed.

Sharda University Analyses Impact of Globalisation on Education

Each corner of the world is a part of globalisation. Not even a single field is left untouched with its effect. Be it any corporate industry or health industry, each of them is adapting and evolving as per the international standards in order to maintain the level of quality. Similarly, globalisation in the field of education is a never ending research process when it comes to global and comparative education.

Sharda University is witnessing this Globalisation in the education sector on a daily basis. Not because its 27% students are global citizens, but its tie-up with other worldwide universities, current international teaching staff and global curriculum-teaching methods are appropriate example of globalisation affecting education sector.

It’s common to hear today that education has been commodified, but Sharda University is breaking such myths, by providing quality education to its students. Establishment of Kartavya club is a perfect example of it. Kartavya is an NGO of Sharda University that caters the educational needs of underprivileged children in and around the Sharda Noida Campus without any cost. So it is acceptable that education is also evolving with globalisation, but associating it with commodification will be injustice with norms being followed by Sharda University.

Sharda believes in Internationalisation of Education, which is a process of assimilating intercultural dimensions in teaching methods, research work and activities of the education institution. Sharda University is a roof for various cultures where individuality is given equal importance. It not only indicates about accepting the foreign policies and students with warm hearts but also raise the level of FDI from those countries, which ultimately help in enhancing the economy of the Nation.

Globalisation in education also ensures the knowledge’s accesibility       which widens the students’ knowledge base. At Sharda University, Afghanistan, Canada, Nepal, Nigeria and other countries’ graduated students learn Indian cultures and acknowledge others with their cultures.

Mantras That Will Keep You Mentally Strong

Being physically solid is’ somewhat easy, but what bring the success in the end, is how effective and efficient is your mind which makes you rationally solid. A solid personality definitely brings achievement in light of the fact that ,that will help you to get over your disappointment. Doubtlessly, a rationally solid individual is not conceived as it seems to be, he is made with time.

sharda noida

Sharda University experts have categorized the mantras, which will keep you mentally strong so that you can cope with problems in unwanted scenarios and attain success in time to come. These mantras are:

Early to bed, early to rise: it’s not just any good habit quote, but an effective rule to follow in life. Early risers start their day with a fresh mind, a new thought, to start the same old thing with new enthusiasm and newly found passion of the day. You can plan any personal workout, read some newspaper, do meditation and plan your whole day. Hostlers of Sharda University are used to this schedule.

Inspire others: getting inspired is undoubtedly great, but inspiring others is just incredible. You don’t have to become a hero for the world to see; a small gesture will do the work. Just like Sharda University’s NGO, Kartavya, where all the participants of the club offer free education to underprivileged children in and around Sharda Noida Campus. It’s an inspiration for others.

Never give up: you fail, you do it again; you fail again, you do it once again and if you fail next, do not hesitate to give it one more try. And keep trying until you reach the point of no failure. Develop the attitude of never giving up. Once you give up, you lose the battle right there. Giving yourself one more chance will make you mentally strong and help to tackle with any problem. Remember, never back down.

Self-believe: to develop the attitude of never giving up you need to believe in yourself. Unless and until you are self-determined to achieve a certain goal, you cannot work towards the same. Keep reminding yourself every day that you can do it. You can do that while keeping your ideal in your mind. If he can do it, I can also do it.

Sharda University is working towards not only catering the educational needs of the society but also towards bringing a change in the society. And each aspirant of Sharda University is inculcating these mantras because they want to excel in life with a strong mentality.