Sharda University Organized a National Seminar

The Indian Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics conducted a 3-day long National Seminar at Sharda University, Noida. Present at this seminar was Hon’ble Home Minister of India, Mr. Rajnath Singh, as the Chief Guest.

Spokesperson for Sharda University said, “The Indian Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics is one of those few organizations that aim at promoting mathematics with a close relevance to its practical usage. It has already made branches like Mathematical Modeling and Numerical and Variational Techniques quite popular among students. Sharda University has also been encouraging applied mathematics among its students through its modern educational curriculum. ”

Delhi Should Be Commended For Supporting Odd-Even Formula

In an offer to save the earth, Delhi government commenced its greatly endless supply of ‘odd-even’ cars with the beginning of the year 2016.  While in a fit of rage many termed it as a knee-jerk reaction, various intellectuals have been supporting this move owing to the intention behind the idea.On first of Jan, it were just odd number cars that could handle on the streets of Delhi and the Delhites sufficiently demonstrated investment in the move by the greater part of the general population sticking to the principles. The general population of Delhi-NCR ought to be complimented for their backing, says Sharda University.


While many debate the feasibility of this ‘internationally recognized’ strategy in Delhi, Sharda Noida says that any step in a row to save the environment must be welcomed. Also, there is a need to appreciate the support politicians have lent to this move. Many politicians, in order to set an example, used bicycles or car pooled. Even though the atmospheric conditions on the first day weren’t any better, yet the acceptance to trying this idea is an indication enough that Indians, Delhites in particular, are serious about saving the environment. Delhi Government has also been trying to strengthen the auxiliary means of transportation like buses and Metro to reduce inconvenience among people.

The 15 day trial will give enough information/ data to the analysts to measure the impact of the odd-even formula. The idea has established much credibility in the countries where it has been previously used including China and Mexico. Even Italy has plans of accepting this model. This, in itself, lends a weight to the entire idea.


Sharda University Analyses Impact of Globalisation on Education

Each corner of the world is a part of globalisation. Not even a single field is left untouched with its effect. Be it any corporate industry or health industry, each of them is adapting and evolving as per the international standards in order to maintain the level of quality. Similarly, globalisation in the field of education is a never ending research process when it comes to global and comparative education.

Sharda University is witnessing this Globalisation in the education sector on a daily basis. Not because its 27% students are global citizens, but its tie-up with other worldwide universities, current international teaching staff and global curriculum-teaching methods are appropriate example of globalisation affecting education sector.

It’s common to hear today that education has been commodified, but Sharda University is breaking such myths, by providing quality education to its students. Establishment of Kartavya club is a perfect example of it. Kartavya is an NGO of Sharda University that caters the educational needs of underprivileged children in and around the Sharda Noida Campus without any cost. So it is acceptable that education is also evolving with globalisation, but associating it with commodification will be injustice with norms being followed by Sharda University.

Sharda believes in Internationalisation of Education, which is a process of assimilating intercultural dimensions in teaching methods, research work and activities of the education institution. Sharda University is a roof for various cultures where individuality is given equal importance. It not only indicates about accepting the foreign policies and students with warm hearts but also raise the level of FDI from those countries, which ultimately help in enhancing the economy of the Nation.

Globalisation in education also ensures the knowledge’s accesibility       which widens the students’ knowledge base. At Sharda University, Afghanistan, Canada, Nepal, Nigeria and other countries’ graduated students learn Indian cultures and acknowledge others with their cultures.

Things to give up for attaining success: Sharda University Dean encouraging youth

Success matters! Clearly, it does, however it can’t be achieved with vicinity of specific things, which not just works like a blockade in your prosperity way additionally keep you away from enhancing in individual. You have to drop these things and propensities one by one simply like they came one by one and influenced your life and identity all in all.

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Dean of prestigious Sharda University took some time out of the busy schedule to spread mindfulness among young ones and encourage them to attain success by making space for new things in life. Because, keeping the pile of certain not-so-required things, habits and other elements as your traits, is not worth it. To develop the attitude of a winner and get successful in life, you need to give up certain things in life, which are;

Depending on luck: believing in karma is natural on your part but depending wholly on your luck factor is a sheer act of stupidity. Once you depend on your luck, you stop working hard, which will take you to the abyss of failures and disappointments. So make sure you don’t depend on such factors.

Putting the blame on others: be accountable to your acts and mistakes. If you did something and it turned out in wrong light, be courageous enough to admit that instead of blaming others. But don’t blame yourself for other people’s mistakes, stupidity and acts, that will fill you with guilt and regret which are not at all useful for your growth. Sharda University keeps organizing counseling session for its students to get over one’s guilt and deal with the blame game.

Avoid negativity: it could be negative people, negative thoughts and negative experience of the past. You just have to develop an optimistic approach towards real life problems and deal with them with that that newly found positive attitude. Sharda Noida has meditation centre where students enrich themselves with positivity.

Comparing: do not compare yourself with others because that will build inferiority complex in you. Just keep it in mind that certain people are capable of certain things and so are you. it will help you to keep your confidence high and considering yourself as a special individual who can bring a change. Much the same as Sharda Group owned Sharda University works towards acquiring a change the education segment and unites different enthusiasts and keep up their uniqueness.

Sharda Students are Global Citizens

With make in India concept, everyday emerging state-of-the-art edifices, more employment opportunities, increased personal income, India is not lagging behind in any field. After Foreign Direct investments and MNCs’ establishment, developed Nations are showing interest in other areas of India.

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India is attracting foreigners from all over the world and that is not because of its culture and heritage, rather the education sector is witnessing the arrival of global students in Indian Universities and Sharda University being one of them.

Sharda University was established in 2008 by Sharda Group, with the motto of expanding the horizon of education beyond boundaries. That is why the university is bringing together diverse cultures while promoting the individuality. Here everybody is getting experience of a new home.

Students get acquainted with Global Academicians and industry stalwarts at Sharda University. Afghanistan, Canada, Nigeria, Nepal, Thailand and lots more students from these countries are coming to Sharda University for a unique educational experience. With campuses based in Agra, Mathura and Greater Noida, students of other countries are not the only global Citizens, but the Sharda University is also preparing Indian students to become a future global citizen.

Sharda University has tied up with more than 60 international Universities. The international faculty of more than 750 brilliant ones is always ready to share its knowledge base and up to 30,000 recruiters have visited the main campus of Sharda University, Noida, to avail one in a million opportunities to the Sharda students. 12,000+ teachers and professors have been assigned different tasks to handle more than 20,000 students.

The university has numerous graduation, post graduation and doctoral courses to offer in its 12 different schools where engineering, medicine, dental, media, management, art, law, health science, language, education, nursing and research courses have been strategically designed while keeping the need of this hour in mind.

Effective Communication skills a must, says Sharda University

In the Personality Development Program at Sharda University, participants are taught to appreciate the nuances of good personality traits such as Leadership, Interpersonal Skills, and Personal Habits.Communication deals with understanding emotions with sympathy, and when possible, with empathy. It is important to understand the intention behind the spoken words. They are apt to guide the stimulus and help in generating a suitable response.


So,developing good communication skills will help an individual to learn and manage the situations with humility and patience as the speaking and writing skills are always accompanied by Non-Verbal Communication which helps to develop engaged listening, stress management and ability to communicate assertively.

It is rightly said that “First Impression is the last Impression”, this adage stands true in most of the spheres of life and especially in the corporate world. Your first impression on the HR can land you that dream job of yours.

Communication being a mutually beneficial exchange of information between different individuals and Soft Skills as a cluster of numerous personality traits, plays a vital role in overall development of an MBA graduate into a “READYMADE MANAGER” for the Corporate World.

Under the Personality Development Program at Sharda University Noida, (designed to imbibe Communication and Soft skills in the students) the MBA Graduates are prepared to build up Strong work ethic, Positive Attitude, Time Management Abilities, Self Confidence and many more such traits. This capsule program acts as a catalyst which helps them to perform and excel under work pressure .They also develop an attitude to accept and learn from criticism. Therefore, by the end of the course the Recruitment process of MBA graduates become effortless as they become adaptable to the favorable, as well as to adverse situations.

Apart from the traditional courses in Communication, Sharda University focuses on Personality Development. The university builds  understanding of concepts through class discussion, followed by one of more of the following methodologies:

2. Group Discussion
3. Mock interviews
4. Role Plays
5. Presentations

Sharda University emphasizes on the importance of a good personality

It isn’t an advanced science that the personality of a man passes on significantly more than normal. In terms of Sharda University Noida, great identity is basically an amalgamation of good prepping and an inspirational viewpoint towards life. Intelligence and certainty have gotten to be principal excellencies in today’s focused age. In any case, there are ideals that effect how the general public sees a person. A man with a great identity thinks that its simple to keep away from different circumstances and generalizations. An imposing but admirable personality is half the battle won, especially in the workplace.


Sharda University holds special Personality development courses and sessions for students.

Virtues like Self Esteem, leadership skills, team building, enterprising attitude etc. come in handy in life. The question is how to achieve these traits or qualities? It all starts at the level zero; from family to your education.

Schools, colleges and family play vital role in shaping the character, strengths and attitude of a person. Various extra- curricular activities and discipline, which students abide by, hone the skills and brush the qualities of students. Co-curricular activities influence the intellect, emotions, and moral strength. It develops the various dimensions of personality. School plays vital role by channelizing the energy of students.

Self Esteem: – What is self-esteem? The way we look at our self is our self-esteem. We can look as a confident, positive, winner. People with low self-esteem can look less confident, and resonate negative vibes in life.

Good parenting, educated parents, civilized neighborhood etc. are the basic factors that help us have a high self-esteem. It is observed people with good family background and living in good localities have high self. High self-esteem people deal smartly in the world and their public relations are very good. To attain high self-esteem it is observed that one should respect his parents, love his school, care for his neighbors and give regard to his teachers.

Self-confidence: Self-confidence is important and essential to be successful in whatever you do. Nobody is born confident. One achieves self confidence in gradual pace of life. One can become poise because of strong family background, Good schooling, hard work, education, working diligently and through perseverance. Family helps in securing and giving bolster thus boosting the certainty. In instructive establishments child learns order, increases solid will as he endeavors to exceed expectations in class and wins in extracurricular exercises along these lines getting high self-assurance.