Breaking the Ice – The Selfie Style at Sharda University

With the beginning of college days, meeting new people and developing bonding is difficult and scary at times. Learning basic information about one another, creating peer rapport, or senior-junior interaction is arduously critical from outset of any experience, activities like Selfie Contest helps to break this ice and melt it down to the purest form of friendship.

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Selfie contest, a contest organized for freshmen to give them a feeling of belongingness and marvelous vibe of global culture that Sharda University proud of. The response of the contest was overwhelming and beyond expectations; prize distribution ceremony was honored by Mr. Prashant Gupta, Executive Director of the group.

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Winners also shared their expectations and experiences at university with digital marketing team who have envisioned the entire concept. Upon asking why you chose Sharda University, student replied – “Sharda University has better teaching fundamentals and cares for the growth of students as comparison to other universities”.

No doubt, their expectations are met! Yes! “We are extremely happy here. We don’t miss our home. Life is so energetic and full of fun that we think it was the righteous decision for choosing Sharda.”They also added atmosphere and crowd are amazing here. The university has humungous infrastructure with lush green environment all around.

“Sharda has steep learning curve and we are proud to be Shardans. We have become more knowledgeable and mature”, according to Samiallah Salimee , BCA, first year student. One key thing about Sharda University is that it comprises of global students from more than 46 countries; helps us to learn about various cultures with developing network in abroad.

On asking where they see themselves in one year from now. Students with no second thoughts responded positively by saying that they will gain better understanding of subject and become more profound in personality. The teachings and co-curricular activities will not only elevate their status but also help them to become a global citizen.

Students are now enthusiastically waiting for upcoming contests to have more exposure and fun that will definitely strengthen the bond formed by Selfie contest.

Sharda University welcoming freshers by Selfie Contest

SelfiecontestSelfies are the fresh way of expression. And Sharda University has used this fresh way to welcome the fresh batch of 2015. The university has organized Freshers’ Selfie Contest for its upcoming batch in which all the students are participating enthusiastically. The university’s inbox is bombarded with selfies as freshers are trying hard to grab the prizes university has declared for winners.

The contest began from 11th September and is going to end on 30th September. The freshers were asked to post their selfies with the tag #SUFreshers2015. The university believes that Selfies are gateway to one’s inner self. Everyone loves to take Selfies in a way to see how they look when they see themselves in the mirror. This kind of contemporaneous ideology has taken Sharda University ‘beyond boundaries’.

Mr. PK Gupta, chancellor and founder chairman of Sharda Group of Institutions said, “The competition is based on Facebook and the number of likes and shares that a selfie fetches. This keeps the system transparent and students are more satisfied with the results as it mostly depends on them.”

The freshers have been asked to post “Wo party wali selfie, wo shopping wali selfie, wo group wali selfie” and the contest has been met with great enthusiasm. Jayesh Patel, a fresher of B. Tech. at Sharda University said, “All of us are really excited for the results. Each one has posted their best shots and I know none who has not. The fight is hard and has given our college lives a great and enthusiastic start.”

Other freshers joined in the enthusiasm and the results are awaited with eagerness. Sharda University has taken a great idea and has materialized it in the best possible way.

Sharda University firmly believes that parental involvement enriches college experience

Parent’s involvement has increased drastically. There has been a real shift in extent to which parent are involved and invested in lives of their children. Parents get involved in schools science projects or take part in their social life. The new genes of parents called snow plow parents tries to smooth a path for their child even after they have started college.

Sharda University believes in the fact that children and parent are co dependent. As the child grows parent’s delegates the responsibility to child and child gets more mature. Settling as sophomore in the college is a transition for both parents and child.

The University also lays stress on the fact that parents should avoid over controlling.  It has adverse effect also and it can undermine the competence and confidence of college going kids and can negatively affect the parent and child relationship. College education transforms students from adolescent to adult. Current Scenario is that kids and parents remain in constant contact because of technology. Sharda university believes that parents can be good friends when it comes to decision making. They can be mentors to their young kids. They can help in various ways.

In choosing college

Parents can help what to look for on your college visits and search of college. A child can ask about his parents experience as a college student. Or what they think they should have done while taking admission. A child can ask, what was their deciding factor? What did they enjoy most about college? What they think that you should look in college and what should they avoid.

In developing social life

Sharda University brings forth the role of parents in helping students to develop good social life. They can guide how to throw a party. They can tell how to get good rapport with peers and how to plan excursion trip with their trends and batch mates. They can encourage in sports activity by attending the games and also keeping friendly terms with the peers of their kid.

Keeping an eye

Sharda University encourages parents to get in close touch with their children as they can keep check on promiscuity drug use and mental problems. Its parent’s job to see that the child does not go into anxiety as parent should promote bravery and confidence for long term goal.

Parents can help in learning problems, anxiety, fears. Parents are the best resource when their child is under stress. Parents should be in constant touch with deans, HOD s of the college to keep track of the performance of the child.

So parent’s involvement is very crucial in those growing years. They should respect their child’s freedom but at same time should be in constant touch with the child’s activities Key is to keep the balance.

National Conference on Functional Materials Synthesis, Application & Environmental Impact (NCFM-2015) AT SHARDA UNIVERSITY

11898623_10156001315505243_5040007734927459985_nSharda University organizing the “National Conference on Functional Materials Synthesis, Application & Environmental Impact (NCFM-2015)” on August 28, 2015 at Room No. 005, Block-3 Sharda University, Knowledge Park III, Greater Noida, India.

The aim of the Conference is Functional materials exploit coupling between multiple variables – for example, transforming mechanical energy to electrical energy in piezoelectric materials, or providing electrical control of magnetic properties. Keeping in mind the enormous potential of development and huge application, we are trying to bring together people with shared interests in functional and hybrid materials like Polymers, Biomaterials Organic and Inorganic materials, Solid state, Sol-gel, Composite, Colloid, Zeolite, so- and microporous materials, and nanomaterials; for sharing their ideas and getting benefited from others. 


Celebration Ceremony of 69th Independence Day at Sharda University

The Celebration Ceremony of 69th Independence Day of India Flag Hoisting by Hon’ble Chancellor and Chairman, Shri P. K. Gupta on 15th August 2015 at Sharda University. The Chancellor addressed the students about “This historic moment of our freedom fills our heart with joy, honor and glory. We are proud of our country. We are proud of our Independence,” and after that Students presented various patriotic songs, dances and musical skits.
‪#‎IndependenceDay‬, ‪#‎ShardaUniversity‬

Sharda University Law Orientation Program – 2015

Former Chief Justice of India, Hon’ble Mr. Justice R.C. Lahoti, intersected with Law students of Sharda University. He narrated them about his aspirations and success.

Choose right career with Sharda University only on Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM

11822694_10155909029610243_3639393683688627088_n#MyCareer,#MyChoice by Sharda University
Sharda University partnered with Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM to help students to choose right career path through an exclusive radio program “My Career, My Choice”.
Sharda University goes deeper to solve student’s biggest challenges and to make a positive, long-lasting impact on their career.
Students can ask their career related queries at and get answers from Vice Chancellor, Sharda University Prof. Vijay Gupta.
#ShardaUniversity,#Radio, #RadioMirchi,#Students

Sharda Hospital and Sharda University organizing a workshop on Minimal invasive Surgery

11813360_10155908588500243_803375921635804201_n#ShardaUniversityNews, #ShardaUniversityUpdate,

Department of General Surgery SMS&R – Sharda Hospital and Sharda University organizing a workshop on Minimal invasive Surgery on Friday, 31st July 2015.

Department of General Surgery,
SMS&R- Sharda Hospital,
32-34, Knowledge Park- 3, Greater Noida. U.P.
#shardaUniversity, #ShardaHospital, #GreaterNoida,#Workshop,,